No ONE thing is going to meet the needs of everyone!
No matter how excited we get about that ONE thing, even if it IS effective, we need MANY things to create a true SUPPORT SYSTEM for effective change!
That is why Wellness at 505 has created a Customizable Program for those dealing with physical and emotional stressors.
Multiple layers and disciplines help approach the same issue from different angles and help facilitate foundational change of both habits and functions. Tapping into the amazingly powerful forces of the human body to heal and reset and move away from pain, discomfort, confusion, and malfunction.
Consultations are free!
Packages are available in bundles of 10 sessions.
We offer an Introductory Bundle of 5 sessions.
The Customized Programs begin with a foundation of...
Weekly Body Code/Emotion Code/Psych K sessions
Weekly AO Scans
Halo Light Therapy
Customized Aromatherapy blend
...Then other options are explored and recommended as needed...
Clearing/Shielding (Remote/Daily
Craniosacral Therapy
Vagal Nerve Stimulation Massage
AO Scan - SEFI/Lightwave
AO Scan - Full Scan
Raindrop Therapy
Structured Water
Introductory Package.........$800
Package of 10............$1600
*Options are purchased separately at a discount!