Cheryl Hanson Massage

"Bodywork That Helps Your Body Work"

Halo Light Therapy

The therapeutic benefits of light therapy—also called biophotonic therapy—have been known since the early 1900s when Dr. Niels Finsen, a Danish physician, demonstrated the beneficial effects of various wavelengths in the treatment of tuberculosis.  Dr. Finsen went on to win a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1903.  In the last century, this same technology has been proven to be effective in the fields of dermatology, neurology and physiotherapy.

Light therapy is generally defined as exposure to a light source, such as specific wavelengths of light using lasers, full-spectrum light, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), polarized light, and sunshine.  The therapy involves shining the light on a subject or patient for a prescribed amount of time and, in some instances, at a specific time of day.


The Halo Light System effectively delivers restorative frequencies below the surface of the skin and the benefits can be felt immediately!


J......... a seasoned professional and weekend warrior.

             "I had injured my right Achilles tendon and despite resting and icing it for

             over 3 weeks it was still very tight and sore. I shared that with my massage

             therapist who applied the "Halo" light for a couple of minutes to the injured

              area. Almost immediately, I could feel the tendon loosen and the pain

              subside. My therapist massaged the area which was now looser than the left

              Achilles tendon and almost pain free. The next day all the pain was gone and

              the tendon felt normal again!"


Ask us TODAY how this light therapy could help YOU!!


Adding the light onto a regular session of any kind..............................................$30

A focused light therapy session - 30 mins............................................................$50

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals